Title and Abstract

Titles and Abstracts


Investigation of the effect of different chemicals on the growth of bacterias
Investigation of the effect of different concentrations of Clorox on the growth of bacteria
Our group researching the effect of different killing agents on the growth of bacteria from our school canteen. Our group aim to benefit the cleaners, school’s hygiene, and the world. With our results, our group feel that this experiment would be able to recommend others which is the most effective cleaning detergent to our school cleaners. In addition, our group can recommend to our family and friends which cleaning agents are the most effective, so that they know which ones to buy and the optimised amount to use. This will also help reduce the number of illnesses linked to unsanitary environments. 
So, our group designed an experiment to determine which cleaning chemicals are effective in killing
bacteria. The one that kills most germs would be the deciding factor as the most effective cleaning agent. This helps protect us from disease-causing pathogens, viruses and the new COVID-19 Virus.
From our experiment, our group could conclude that Clorox was the most effective chemical in killing
with an average Killzone of 2 cm2  after four days of observation followed by Mr Muscle, Dettol, Jif and Mamalemon with their respective average kill zones of 1.7, 1.6, 0.9 and 0.8 cm2.
This is useful to science as our group now know which killing agents are more effective in killing bacteria.
People will soon be aware which killing agents are not as active as others in keeping their surroundings clean and which ones they should use instead.  

After attempting the first experiment, our group was amazed at how effective Clorox is in killing bacteria. Upon this discovery, our group felt that if the lower concentration of this chemical is similarly as effective as when it is undiluted, this experiment can prove members of the public that they can use less of
that chemical to keep their surroundings clean. This will allow them to use the product longer, reducing the amount they spent on that product.  It can also apply to people outside of school. Immediately, our group would be able to make recommendations to our school cleaners. Besides, our group can recommend to family and friends which soaps/cleaning agents are the most effective, so that they know which ones to buy and the
optimised amount to use. This will also help reduce the number of illnesses linked to unsanitary environments. So, our group designed an experiment to determine which concentration of Clorox is similarly
as effective as the undiluted one in killing bacteria. This helps us to be able to use Clorox for a longer
period of time to protect us from pandemics like the new COVID-19. From our experiment, our group could
conclude that ⅘ Clorox was almost as effective as the undiluted one with an average Killzone of 2.5 cm2 
after four days of observation. The other concentrations (Undiluted Clorox, ⅗ Clorox, ⅖ Clorox and ⅕ Clorox)
with their respective average kill zones of 3.14, 2.54, 2.54 and 0.95 cm2. This is useful to science as our group now
know which killing agents are more effective in killing bacteria. People will soon be aware which killing agents
are not as active as others in keeping their surroundings clean and which ones they should use instead.  

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