5. Conclusion

5. Conclusions 

5.1 Practical Applications 
Knowing which chemical is the most effective would help us in the real world as the public can use this to determine
which type of killing agent is best to be used, for example, when purchasing the killing agent, they will know Clorox
is the most efficient killing agent compared to Jif, Mama Lemon, Mr Muscle and Dettol. 

Another knowledge of whether different concentrations of a type of common killing agent like Clorox would help us in
the real world too as the public will know which killing agent is still active when diluted (Melissa, S, 2009). A possible
application, for example, is when one is running out of a type of killing agent, they can add in water and dilute it and
save both the substance and money. The user can add up to lower concentrations of dilution and still use it efficiently. 

5.2 Areas for further study

Our group could also test the effectiveness of organic chemicals. This experiment can be used to treat infections from
bacterias that are antibiotic-resistant and be used as a remedy to help combat infections and sore throats. Our
independent variable for this experiment are the different types of organic chemicals which can be apple cider
vinegar and rice wine vinegar, the equal volume of the chemical used to soak the petri dishes and the amount of
bacterias applied onto the petri dish. The dependent variable is the area of the killzone in cm^2 and lastly, the size
of the petri dishes is our constant variable. In our research, experimentation on which common chemicals are the most effective in killing bacterias, hence allowing the user to know which chemical to use and keep their place clean. Good hygiene can help people avoid the possible risks associated with poor sanitation (Solvhealth, 2020). Our goal of our first experiment is to allow a person to improve
his personal hygiene towards diseases like the recent COVID-19. By using highly effective chemicals, like Clorox as
the chemicals in it like Sodium Hypochlorite (Lenntech, 2020). The chemicals in the chlorine can be used to kill
bacteria and viruses (Winter, J, 2008). Similarly, this experiment will allow people to stay strong during sickness and
even more during pandemics like the recent COVID-19 . Hence, this research is related to our current research in
keeping a person to stay strong during pandemics like the recent COVID-19.        

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